*Help 4.5-Years-Old Atiksh Fight Blood Cancer*

Atiksh, a bright and playful 4-year-old, is facing a battle far too big for his tiny frame—blood cancer. It all started with a long-lasting fever and weakness, which worried his parents deeply. His parents hoped it was something minor, but as months passed without improvement, their fear grew. A series of tests finally revealed the heart-breaking diagnosis—Atiksh has blood cancer. Now, Atiksh is fighting for his life at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, but the cost of his treatment is overwhelming. His father, a hardworking steel worker, and his mother, a homemaker, have already borrowed ₹1.5 lakh for his first chemotherapy session, but the full treatment will cost ₹15 lakh. Despite all their efforts, they simply cannot afford the life-saving care their son desperately needs. Atiksh’s parents are watching their little boy suffer, praying for a miracle that they cannot achieve alone. Look for Child Foundation has stepped in to help raise funds, but we need your support to give Atiksh a chance. Every rupee and every donation can bring hope to this family and save Atiksh’s life. Atiksh deserves to play with his sister, smile, and grow up healthy. Please, be the miracle he needs. Your generosity could give this little boy his future back.


Support Cancer patient Atiksh

Progress of Fundraiser

05 %

Medical Documents of Atiksh